Thursday, March 18, 2010

Head shot

Sorry this one is late everyone.
This is the best "head-shot" that I could find of myself. It is not centered or balanced, as you can see I'm leaning to the right. I'm not sure if I'm leaning away from the support beam or if I'm leaning into the sun. I do like how the sun works in this picture though, with my right side more illuminated that the left. Even looking at the eyes one is "lit up" while the other is darker, almost dull. the horizon in the background is a small mountaintop that is miles and niles away. This is a good representation of myself because I see everything as a journey, the farther away the better and the best journeys never end. The horizon also softens the contrast between my shirt and the white sky, adding a little more depth to the picture. The right shoulder is up a little higher than the other so you can tell that I am leaning on something (its the railing). This leaning of my head and shoulder dost a few things; It changes the way the sun plays off the picture, it keeps everything out of balance and centricity, it emphisizes my tilted face and proped shoulder (warmer colors "poping" more than the cooler ones), and lastly it leaves me with a sense of readyness, even restlessness, dorment energy waiting to be set into motion.
all in all I think this picture suits me well, mostly because Im not the type of person who just waita fore anything.

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