Saturday, February 27, 2010

focal points and emphesis

I was luckty enough to find this pick at,

they say its a "rare optical phenomenon" .
First find the triangle: sun = top, horizon = base.
Then notice the dark portion of the triangle in the center of the base.
Now cover the bright reflective part of the water with something (the better you cover this area the better the phenomenon will work).
Then poof! The dark part of the triangle disappears.

The focal point in this picture is the sun. The sun is isolated, and in extreme contrast with everything except the reflection. The sun is also the focal point because of placement although it could be argued that the horizon is the focal point from placement. There is also a psychilogical emphasis for me i the sun picture but i think that comes from the horizon too.

The picture of the room has no focal point at all. it was difficult to find an image with no focal point and I'm not sure what i think of it. I guess i just feel lost, I have vary empty feelings about the room

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